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MRI Case Challenges

In this special webinar, we invite Dr. Ines Carrera to review two challenging MRI cases to highlight some important interpretation tips. One case is a 6-year-old cat presented with a history of 1.5 months of apathy, weakness in the hindlimbs, and altered mental status. The neurological exam revealed severe tetraparesis and obtundation. He fell from a 4th floor 5 months ago. The other case is an 11-month-old female English Cocker Spaniel that was presented for a 3-4-week history of lethargy, anisocoria, and pain. The day before the presentation the dog showed a rapid onset of stupor. The clinical exam revealed anisocoria with left mydriasis, ptosis and right exophthalmos, decreased response to nociception on the left nasal aspect, and delayed proprioception on the hindlimbs and thoracic limbs (left more than right). PLR in the left eye was very weak and intact on the right. Menace response was absent. The neurolocalization was a forebrain/midbrain multifocal or extensive lesion. Watch the session to discover what to think about these cases and their images.



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