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Web-Vet TM Neurology Specialists

Cerebral Microbleeds in a Dog
A 16-year-old Ladradoodle presented with a recent onset of seizures and an MRI of the brain was performed.
T2*-GRE shows multiple intraparenchymal small (< 4-5mm) and well-defined round signal voids. These lesions are isointense on T1W. The main differential diagnosis is metastasis from hemangiosarcoma which is the most common cause of multifocal intraparenchyma haemorrhage. Other sequences can indeed be used to differentiate from metastatic tumors as the latter would be associated with peripheral vasogenic edema and contrast uptake of the lesion. In this dog, there was an absence of T1W and T2W hyperintensity, and no contrast uptake was detected suggesting the presence of cerebral microbleeds.
Courtesy of Dr. Anna Tauro.
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